Other BART packagesΒΆ
StochasticTree C++ library with R and Python bindings taylored to researchers who want to make their own BART variants
bnptools Feature-rich R packages for BART and some variants
dbarts Fast R package
bartMachine Fast R package, supports missing predictors imputation
SoftBART R package with a smooth version of BART
bcf R package for BCF, version of BART for causal inference
flexBART Fast R package, supports categorical predictors
flexBCF R package, bcf optimized for large datasets
XBART R/Python package, faster variant of BART
BART R package, BART warm-started with XBART
BayesTree R package, original BART implementation
bartCause R package, pre-made BART-based workflows for causal inference
OpenBT Heteroskedastic BART, rotate & perturb proposals, C++ library with R interface
lsqfitgp Infinite trees limit of BART
pymc-bart BART within PyMC
BayesTreePrior Sample the prior of BART
XSBART Accelerated SoftBart
bartMan R package, posterior analysis and diagnostics
bcf2 BCF warm-started with XBCF
BART-BMA (superseded by bartBMAnew)
XBCF (superseded by StochasticTree)
mpibart Old parallel implementation