
Initial setup

Fork the repository on Github, then clone the fork:

git clone
cd bartz

Install poetry. My favorite complete installation route on macOS:

  • Install brew, then add brew to the PATH

  • brew install pipx, then add pipx’s directory to the PATH

  • pipx install poetry

Install conda or an equivalent package manager like mamba or micromamba. My favorite is micromamba:

brew install micromamba

Create a virtual environment from the file spec:

micromamba env create --file condaenv.yml
micromamba activate bartz
poetry config virtualenvs.create false --local # to make sure poetry does not create another virtualenv

Finally, install the package with

poetry install
pre-commit install

Routine setup

Each time you want to work on bartz in a terminal, do

cd <...>/bartz
micromamba activate bartz # or the activation command for your env


Development commands are defined in a makefile. Run make without arguments to list the targets.