14. Optimization

14.1. Evaluating a single Gaussian process posterior

There are three main computational steps when doing a Gaussian process fit with GP:

  • Compute the prior covariance matrix using the kernel. This is \(O((n + m)^2)\) where \(n\) is the number of datapoints and \(m\) the number of additional points where the posterior is computed.

  • Decompose the prior covariance matrix. This is \(O(n^3)\).

  • Take random samples from the posterior. This is \(O(m^3)\).

Additionally, by default GP checks that the prior covariance matrix is symmetric and positive semidefinite. This has complexity \(O((n + m)^2)\), and the positivity check is somewhat slow. To disable the check, write GP(..., checkpos=False, checksym=False). The check is disabled anyway when using the jax compiler, addressed in the next section.

Since usually \(m \gg n\) because the plot is done on a finely spaced grid, the typical bottleneck is taking the samples, i.e., calling gvar.sample() (or gvar.raniter()). This problem can be bypassed by plotting only the standard deviation band instead of taking samples, but it is less informative. To make gvar.sample() faster, use its eps option: gvar.sample(x, eps=1e-12). This forces it to use a Cholesky decomposition instead of a diagonalization.

In general the GP methods have options for doing everything without gvar, but don’t try to use all of them mindlessly before profiling the code to know where the bottleneck actually is. Python has the module cProfile for that, and in an IPython shell you can use %run -p. If you opt out of gvars, you can use lsqfitgp.raniter() to draw samples from an explicit mean vector and covariance matrix instead of gvar.raniter().

If you have written a custom kernel, it may become a bottleneck. For example the letter counting kernel in A custom kernel: text classification was very slow. A quick way to get a 2x improvement is computing only half of the covariance matrix: GP(kernel, checksym=False, halfmatrix=True). Note however that in some cases this may cause a large perfomance hit (for example in the BART kernel), so by default the full covariance matrix is computed even if checksym=False (but the cross covariance matrices are not computed twice).

14.2. The JAX compiler

Since lsqfitgp uses JAX as computational backend, which provides a just in time compiler (JIT), in many cases a piece of code doing stuff with a Gaussian process can be put into a function and compiled to low-level instructions with jax.jit, provided all the array operations are implemented with jax.numpy instead of numpy, and gvars are avoided. Example:

import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp
import lsqfitgp as lgp

def doinference(data, **options):
    x = jnp.linspace(0, 10, len(data))
    xplot = jnp.linspace(0, 10, 100)
    yplot_mean, yplot_cov = (lgp
        .GP(lgp.ExpQuad(), **options)
        .addx(x, 'data')
        .addx(xplot, 'plot')
        .predfromdata({'data': data}, 'plot', raw=True)
    # we use raw=True to return mean and covariance separately
    # instead of implicitly tracked into gvars
    yplot_sdev = jnp.sqrt(jnp.diag(yplot_cov))
    return yplot_mean, yplot_sdev

doinference_compiled = jax.jit(doinference, static_argnames=['solver', 'checkpos', 'checksym'])
# static_argnames indicates the function parameters that are not numerical
# and should not be dealt with by the compiler, I've put some I will use
# later

import timeit

def benchmark(func, *args, **kwargs):
    timer = timeit.Timer('func(*args, **kwargs)', globals=locals())
    n, _ = timer.autorange()
    times = timer.repeat(5, n)
    time = min(times) / n
    print(f'{func.__name__} took {time * 1e3:7.3f} ms on average')

data = jnp.zeros(10)
benchmark(doinference, data)
benchmark(doinference_compiled, data)

And the winner is:

doinference took   6.701 ms on average
doinference took   0.018 ms on average

The compiled version is 400 times faster. The difference is so stark because we used only 10 datapoints, so most of the time is spent in routing overhead instead of actual computations. Repeating with 1000 datapoints, the advantage should be milder:

data = jnp.zeros(1000)
benchmark(doinference, data)
benchmark(doinference_compiled, data)

Indeed, it’s 20x faster, lower but still high:

doinference took 554.387 ms on average
doinference took  26.828 ms on average

We said that using the GP options checkpos=False, checksym=False makes it faster, and that they are disabled anyway under jit. Let’s check:

benchmark(doinference, data, checkpos=False, checksym=False)
benchmark(doinference_compiled, data, checkpos=False, checksym=False)


doinference took  65.561 ms on average
doinference took  23.917 ms on average

As expected, the compiled version is not affected, while the original one gains a lot of speed: now the advantage is just 3x.

14.3. Fitting hyperparameters

The function empbayes_fit finds the “optimal” hyperparameters by feeding the GP-factory you give to it into a minimization routine that tries to change the hyperparameters one step at a time and each time recreates the GP object and does some computations to check how a “good fit” it is for the given data.

From the point of view of computational efficiency this means that, apart from taking posterior samples, the techniques explained in the previous sections also apply here. However, empbayes_fit applies the jit for you by default, so you don’t have to deal with this yourself. If you disable the jit for some reason, use the options:

GP(..., checksym=False, checkpos=False)

Another way to improve the performance is by tweaking the minimization method. The main setting is the method argument, which picks a sensible preset for the underlying routine scipy.optimize.minimize. Then, additional configurations can be specified through the minkw argument; to use it, it may be useful to look at the full argument list passed to minimize, which is provided after the fit in the attribute minargs.

14.4. Floating point 32 vs. 64 bit

jax by default uses the float32 data type for all floating point arrays and calculations. Upon initialization, lsqfitgp configures jax to use float64 instead, like numpy. Although operations with 32 bit floats are about twice as fast, Gaussian process regression is particularly sensitive to numerical accuracy. You can reset jax’s default with:

jax.config.update('jax_enable_x64', False)

to get a speedup, but this will likely give problems when the number of datapoints is over 1000, and will break empbayes_fit unless you make an effort to tune the minimizer parameters to make it work at float32 precision.